Download Google Drive Offline Installer for Windows / MAC and Linux


Download Google Drive Free Full Offline Installer For Windows / MAC and Linux

Google Drive Offline Installer help you to download the whole setup in one file and not require any file from Internet during Installation. Google Drive for free and have all your files within reach from any smartphone, tablet, or computer. All your files in Drive – like your videos, photos, and documents – are backed up safely so you can’t lose them. The Google Drive is usable through Gmail Accounts. The free form of Google Drive offers 15gb of free space while the paid versions will provide the free space up to 16tb. You can Download Google Drive Offline Installer for Windows/Mac and Linux from below.


Features of Google Drive :

  • Clients can store any records incorporates pictures, recordings, stories, plans, drawings, reports, and so forth., up to 15 GB of free Google online capacity.
  • The primary component about Google Drive is that the records in Google Drive can be come to anyplace with the assistance of Smartphones, PCs, and tablet.
  • Clients can undoubtedly welcome others to see, download and team up on documents that you need. What’s more, there is no requirement for email connection.
  • In the event that you need to locate a specific record in a Google Drive where countless were available, clients can seek by catchphrase or channel by document sort and that’s just the beginning.
  • Google Drive can perceive message in examined archives by utilizing OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or in pictures by utilizing picture acknowledgment.
  • Records in Google Drive are extremely private until you need to share them.
  • Like Gmail and other Google Services, Google Drive is scrambled with security convention named SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL is the standard innovation used to build up an encoded interface between a program and a web server.

Download Google Drive Offline Installer from Official Links Mirror :

Name: Google Drive
Operating System : Windows 7,8,10,Vista and XP,Mac and Linux
Size : 15.9 MB
Added: May 05, 2017
Price : Free
Homepage :

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